Hungarian collaboration platform

We developed an online collaboration platform pilot to address collaboration difficulties during COVID.

Financial Institution
Product strategy
Streaming solution


For an organization with tens of thousands of employees, the goal was to develop software that would be used by employees in the organization to connect, collaborate and hold meetings in the digital space.
The software we developed had to have the functionality of widely used international solutions (e.g. Zoom, Skype) and security solutions to guarantee the confidentiality of the communication. Furthermore, the software should allow a degree of customization not possible with existing solutions. The aim is also to ensure a high level of security with regard to the location and the lock-in of the infrastructure



The overall software was to be implemented in 4 phases, the first of which was the prototyping of a video collaboration platform. In phase 1, the system would be designed to be able to handle 5 simultaneous calls of 30 participants with a CPU load of the media servers not exceeding 30%. This is equivalent in load to, for example, ca. 210 5-person quality calls or ca. 50 10-person quality calls or 2 30-person, 20 10-person, 40 5-person calls.



The prototype was able to handle the number of concurrent calls as specified in the specification, which was tested with different load tests. Also included in the prototype was the generation of dynamic links to different meetings, ensuring that a previous link does not run a current meeting; A customized front-end interface, including system colors, action buttons, links and overall style; A lobby feature, allowing meeting organizers to decide who can join meetings; Access to ongoing meetings was only possible with a password, which participants receive in an automatically generated email; Participants can join video calls from different devices (PC, mobile) via web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari)
